Wednesday, September 29, 2004

My favorite most recent recordings

On Tuesday evening (September 29) during the Central Ward Town Hall meeting, Vince Mattson explained how the data used to estimate the future traffic on Highschool Road were flawed: they underestimate the number of new dwellings. Listen to his presentation.

And if you want to listen to the whole 2 hours, you can!

I recommend the interview with Charlotte Garrido (September 28). She is the excellent Democratic candidate for Kitsap County Commissioner, district 2 (against Jane Angel).
Charlotte said that if/when elected she would participate in a monthly radio program.
Remember her when you vote.

On Thursday (September 23) Helen Thayer told at the Eagle Harbor Bookstore the amazing story of her living with the wolves. Sorry that we could not record the wonderful slides but just listening to Helen should immediately transport you to the Arctic with the wolves, the bears, her wonderful dog Charlie and a world of adventure. One hour out of Bainbridge, just one click away.

I also enjoyed interviewing Andy Kosick about his cycling and how Dana Berg advocated for cycling during the inauguration of the new bike/walk/path near the high school. Go and ride your bike!

Here the direct link to Dana's speech

Here is the direct link to the interview with Andy: